New updates to our website
Hello members and users, we have fixed many issues, and added a few new features.
You will find the new search function, on our top sidebar widget. Now there is three ways to search for a Realtor or business. You now can search by, State, Referral area, and Name or Keyword, this will help users so much.
Here is a tip from us to get found on our search functions, always try to put at least 300 words or more in your profile description box, and make sure to add your city and state, in the description box, this pulls from our search fields, when someone is using them to find a referral area or name.
We also made it easier to register and choose a free profile or paid membership package, so once you register you can choose any package at the same time you register and just login to create profile section. Before there was a confusing loop after register, so now it has been fixed.
We also updated our , how it works page, so now new members and users can understand how our Real Estate Referral Place works, and why it is a must to join, if your looking to get more referrals and new business.
Members Area has also been updated, we have added more content for training, software for marketing, and much more. We will be adding more soon.
We also fixed a few minor bugs and other things, so that is about it, and thanks for joining.
Thank you