Top Five Things You Should Be Doing If Your In Real Estate
Number One,
If your new to Real Estate, and just not sure what you should have in place, well your not alone.
Most new agents have no idea on the marketing tools you should have in place, or which ones to start with, so I will explain.
Have a professional website, not just any website, a custom website that is built for real estate.
Must be setup with landing pages, custom reviews section, lead capture system built in. SEO is a huge part of marketing, and must be done right, Don’t fall for cheap websites, that are not built for real estate, or SEO.
Number Two,
Have a referral system in place, that lets you receive referrals from other agents, this is a huge part of this business, referrals will be your number one source, it might take time for people to hear about you, but soon referrals will come your way. Also you should be sign up on our referral system like ours as well.
Number Three,
Setup social marketing, you must do this right, if you have never used social marketing or do not understand how it works, then ask us or someone who knows, Facebook, YouTube, Google+,Twitter, Linkedin, and many more, once you understand how social media works, this is one of the best ways to get the word out, that you are in real estate and a realtor in your area.
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